Saturday, December 17, 2011

Has anyone seen previews of the new Superman movie?

I seen pics of the new Superman suite and it sucks! It has muscles bulging out. Superman is not like that at all. The suit also looks like it is covered in little dimples, like on a golf ball. And I think the cape is to long and is missing something on the back.---- __

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Don't get me wrong, I am still going to watch it, on DVD|||A little early to judge based on one picture, don't ya think?|||My wife and her brothers said they saw a preview on yahoo teaser or something.

I call BS, and I also better get a decent superman movie this time or I quit!|||oh really.. yeah i think I've heard of that Superman movie you're talking about. :)|||Christopher Nolan is producing the thing so it's safe to assume it's not going to suck. Well, unless you're a complete idiot.|||i looked on and i saw the suit and was wondering, what the hell where they thinking? i mean you can see bumps or whatever. suit looks too rubbery. thats going to be what i think way too hot when wearing it. what brandon routh was a lot better looking than the new guy is wearing. if i were the new guy i would tell them no way im wearing this hot rubber suit. dont need to lose weight|||All that was released was one photo. They also just started filming, so we won't see any actual footage until maybe late 2011/early 2012.

Besides the film's release date is June 2013, so just wait and see|||Tom Welling couldn't have played Superman. Smallville is completely different from the comics, the old Christopher Reeve films, and even superman returns. taking weliing out of that more commercialized yarn, and puting him into a big budget film that is going to tell a completely different story would have been a disaster. i love smallville too, but it would not have fellow smallville fans need to come off it.

it's very similar material to the suit that was used in thor. i think what the production team is looking for is a total departure from the older films. "returns" was basically directed by richard donner. Zac Snyder/Chris Nolan doesn't want to make a richard donner film. i would rather have a cape that went on for miles, than one cut off around his knees(did anyone see all-star superman?), you have to think visually, and his cape flying all over the place whilst kicking masive a** would undoubtedly look awesome.

if you look close enough, i believe you will notice that he's not wearing red trunks either. know why?because in DC's relaunch, superman no longer wears red trunks. Snyder has always done an incredible job staying as true to the source material as can be done in a film. i doubt he would radically change the look of the character without a reason, or basis, to do so.

as far as superman's muscles bulging,HE'S FREAKING SUPERMAN, the bigger the better. should a guy that can move planets look like sheldon from big bang theory? art styles always differes between artists in the comics, some artists(like joe quesada) picture superman as a massive character, some don't. but a balls-out, buffed up superman is exactly what this films needs.

i'm going to say this one time. if you are a superman fan you HAVE to see this movie. if it sucks, it sucks, but at least view it one time. because if this movie bombs, we won't likely see big blue on the big screen for a very long time, if ever again.

How to do a superman slide (belly slide)?

Hi, can you guys help me out? I want to figure out how to do a superman slide (belly slide) without hurting myself? I play paintball and I really want to get this down because I play front and it would help immensely.

Tips, pointers, even a video would be greatly appreciated. Thanks you!|||Cool. Ok the first important thing to remember is that you are not trying to jump forward. If you "get air" while doing a superman you are going to get hurt or break your marker...with that out of the way.

1. Run as low to the ground as possible.

2. Lean forward while running, this isn't a run and gun move yet till you have it mastered.

3. Turn your marker to the side just before you get ready to launch yourself forward.

This step is important to keep you from breaking your ASA, reg, hopper or gripframe. If the marker is in your right hand rotate the marker clockwise with the hopper going right. This will put your tank on the inside of your forearm. All you have to do now is point the barrel upwards slightly so you don't "lawn dart" into the turf and get a barrel full of dirt/grass/mud.

4. While running launch yourself forward at the ground, keep in mind that you don't jump, just let your upper body weight take over and push off with your left leg. The key is to be as low as possible to the ground with some speed before this part is attempted.

5. Just before you hit the ground, your left hand should be extended and your right arm slightly bent at your elbow. The first things to touch the ground are as follows.

Your left hand

Both forearms(get pads)

Then your chest

Followed by the rest of your body.

6. You can use your left hand to help push yourself into the bunker if you came up alittle short.

If you can practice in your backyard on a big piece of cardboard at slow running speeds. Just remember that you are not trying to get air, your forearms and whatever hand is not holding your marker hit first and stay low before the dive.

Good Luck

If Silver Surfer fought Superman fought each other ten times how many fights would each win?

Only respond to this question is you are familiar with both characters please. Also, don't vote for the one or the other because you like the character/publisher more.

I'm thinking of the Surfer as he appeared in his third edition series when he wasn't stranded on earth anymore, and Superman as he appears in his current series, not the silver/golden age versions. In other words, when each character is opperating at maximum strength and power levels.

This question wins the prize for Nerdiest entry of all time.|||Well, as Superman appears in his current series right now in the One Year Later storyline, Up Up and Away, no longer has any powers, and no longer is Superman. He has not been for a year, since the end of the events in Infinite Crisis, so I would say Silver Surfer will win all 10 battles with no contest...

As for the Second Addition there, going with All Star Superman, he is a Battery. Are all ten Battles going on right in a row? If so, Superman may win the first battles, but as time progresses, he will weaken and not recharge as fast. Much to the way Superman of the standard DCU died Pre-Infinite Crisis in a battle with Doomsday out of exhaustion. Also, if the battle is in space, then there is even less time for him to recharge, so I will say Superman will win the first 2 battles, but will not be able to continue on much longer...|||I actually have a different opinion from everyone else. If were using All Stars Superman....Superman curb stomps Surfer atleast 7 out of 10. Superman might die because of the overload in his powers. But I doubt it. All Stars Supermans powers have atleast tripled! This Supes is way stronger.

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|||10 because one can only fith with one another so u can't say that silver surfer started the fight with himself. so the "fought supermane" from the beginning of the question are 2 redundant words.|||ok i am not answering because i dont know one character that is silver surfer.|||I would probably have to say the Surfer, 5-4, with one draw. With his power cosmic, he is probably more powerful than Superman, and possessing the ability to synthesize kryptonite wouldn't hurt. It would be close, but probably the Surfer.|||They are both super stong, no doubt, but i'll go with Silver Surfer. I like him more and plus, superman is too over rated. i also like marvel betta. anyway, the silver surfer has the power of the cosmos so therefor he would defeat (but not too easily) superman anyday now.

Is Zod anything besides a character in Superman?

I know he's a Character from Superman, but is he anything else? The Disturbed song Meaning of Life says "Give in, Give in to Zod, Give in." and he's featured in the Aqua Unit Patrol Squad 1 episode "Wi-Tri." Is he biblical or anything, or just from Superman?|||He was created as an antagonist to Superman which first appeared in Adventure Comics #283 April 1961...|||I think his only extstence is due to Superman series.

How can I make my name in a superman logo?

I was just wondering, i thought it would be sick. My name is Noah, please help me!|||Try going into powerpoint or word, type in your first and last initial (no periods), then highlight them and go to font types. Select one of the Wingdings, or symbols. Finally, play with the colors!

It can make for a pretty cool superhero logo!

Six flags America is building a new coaster behind superman:ride of steel?

At six flags great america in largo maryland there is a large set of tracks behind batwing and superman that you can see. I think they are building a new coaster, but I can't find any info about it. Anyone know?

Also when will two face reopen?|||I think the tracks you saw belong to what used to be a safari train that used to run back when Six Flags was a park called Wild World almost 15 years ago. Not to say they aren't building something new but there are tracks there that are ancient.|||All i could find out was batman the dark knight for 2008 this is the link hope i helped鈥?/a>

What was the comic book mentioned in the June edition of Maxim staring Superman and Batman?

I just read it yesterday but I've forgotten the title. I'm at work and just wanted to look it up during my free time.|||I tried doing a Maxim search on it and could not find the article.

My guess, however, given all of the attention on the death of Bruce Wayne as well as the release of the story in hard cover would be "Final Crisis".

If it is not that, then it might be "Public Enemies" - the first story of the Superman/Batman team ups..|||Could be just the plain old monthly Superman/Batman comic.