Monday, December 12, 2011

Did anyone eles notice the similarities of dbz and superman?

goku and superman's fathers both knew that their planets were in danger, and no believed either of them, and lastly they both sent their kids to earth

right as the BOOM BOOM came. Is this a coincidence?|||And they have similar powers like flying, super-strength, speed, and the ability to come back from the dead.

Oh well, its not the first time this has happened. Did you see that bit in Religulous about how the story of Jesus resembles many other stories written before the Bible? I guess Jesus was their Goku.|||probably not. i don't think people in japan in the early 90s really had much knowledge of superman. and besides that, they have nothing else in common really. answer this: is it coincidence that when Sonic obtains all seven chaos emeralds he turns golden like a super sayain (but much more powerful). i'm a big sonic fan, but i've been wondering about this for a while now.|||not really because to explain goku more it would be easier to say was from a different plant were the ppl are naturally stronger and that it blow up so no one would ask wheres goku's real dad been. kinda simple as that

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