Saturday, December 17, 2011

If Superman pushes with 50% more force than Wonder Woman, which one will push the car 100yd in the least time?

Superman and Wonder Woman are engaged in a friendly wager. Each one is to push a 1968 Cadillac El Dorado (in neutral, brakes off) 100 yards as fast as possible.

If Superman pushes with 50% more force than Wonder Woman, which one will push the car 100 yards in the least time?

|||If this is an up-and-up question, then Superman will win the wager (according to Newton's 2nd Law Of Motion, i.e., F = ma)

For Wonder Woman,

F = m(a1)

and for Superman,

1.5F = m(a2)

and since the "m's" are the same,

F/(a1) = 1.5F/(a2)

a2 = 1.5(a1)

and since the car being pushed by Superman is accelerating 1.5 times that of the car being pushed by Wonder Woman, then obviously, Superman wins the wager hands down.

NOW, if this is a trick question, then it's something else ... |||I would hope superman. That would be sad if he was beat in a test of strength.|||Unless I'm missing something:

Superman is pushing with 1.5 times the force of Wonder Woman. Since F = mass x acceleration, this means that Superman will impart 1.5 times the acceleration. Since acceleration is change in velocity, Superman will thus increase the velocity of the car more than will Wonder Woman. End result: Superman will push the car 100 yards in the least amount of time.|||It depends. From what I hear, Superman pushes harder, but Wonder Woman lasts longer.

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