Saturday, December 17, 2011

How would Christians and Atheists regard a Superman like being on Earth?

If one landed on Earth without and knowledge of his past and began doing only good deeds such as stopping crime, helping people, the whole nine yards, how would you regard him?

Would Christians think he was the devil? Or a gift from God? Or God?

Would Atheists think he was a God? Or what?

Thanks.|||I would call him an Angel or the Son of God|||I'd bribe him to reverse time by flying backwards around the world, and end the dark ages.|||He would be categorized as an extraterrestrial being. That is all.|||Well since Dwight Howard is Superman, and Christians and atheists don't really care about doesn't really matter|||Let's hear it for Powdered Toast Man!!!! And, his cinnamony farts!|||Christians would crucify him and likely call him the Antichrist.

Atheists would high-five him and ask to hang out.|||I would not consider him a god, just a guy with super powers...|||I wish Hit-Girl was real. She was the only Kick-*** character in the entire movie.

Onto your question, I don't know or care enough about Superman to make a decision on that subject.|||As an atheist I would think "holy crap, it's Superman! Wait, if he's here, does that mean Lex Luther wants to screw over the world again?". I think a Christian would think the same thing.|||like a normal person like how I treat others no matter their social status.|||No, I would think he is a new science experiment lol.|||Scientific curiosity would lead me to try and understand what gives that superhuman it's ability. Medical science might even jump ahead several thousands of years upon studying him.

However, if eventually that super power was lead to be cruel to humanity, kind of god like, I'd spend my entire life figuring how to rid of him.|||At first I would be sceptical of his intentions, but I would begin to trust him if he demonstrated his benevolence. No, I would not think he's a god. I would think he's a Kryptonian.|||Actually, if Superman were to exist, I'd probably dismiss the Abrahamic God from then on|||%26lt;------

They would call me, Steve|||I would personally think he was some kind of intelligent life from somewhere that isn't Earth.

You've been touched by Imperfectionist|||Christians would burn him alive claiming he is a sorcerer .

Atheists would say welcome.

These are my opinions only.|||I would tell him to get lost because most of the time, the planet is just fine till the superheros show up. As soon as they do, they attract the super villians who were nowhere to be seen prior to their arrival.|||Christians would be frothing at the mouth, no doubt. And finding explanations for him in the scriptures.

I would be curious. Wanting to know more about this person.

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